Three Blues, Three Discs, 1965Patrick Heron£ 36,000.00 + ARR
The Gate; Three Hammer LokeEdward Seago
A Suffolk BoatyardEdward Seago
Cottages on the Rise - NorfolkEdward Seago
Figure (Bomb Store), 1942David Bomberg
Red Wharf Bay, Wales, 1944David Bomberg
Ferry Rock, Arran, circa 1940sJohn Maclauchlan Milne
Pollet, DieppeRoland Collins
Dance of the Clouds and Breezes IV, 2019Bill Jacklin£ 36,000.00
April V, 1973Patrick Heron£ 38,500.00 + ARR
May 11, 1986Patrick Heron£ 24,000.00 + ARR